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First Detection of Heavy Element From Star Merger


This page originally appeared on @THEU & Adapted from NASA Webb Space Telescope. “We only know of a handful of kilonovas with any certainty, and this is only the second one for which we have such detailed spectral information” said Tanmoy Laskar, assistant professor at the University of Utah, of the first detection of we have of […]

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New study questions decades-long understanding of gamma ray bursts


This page originally appeared on @THEU Adapted from a release by Francis Reddy, senior science writer for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.   On Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022, a pulse of intense gamma-ray radiation swept through our solar system, saturating detectors on numerous spacecraft and sending astronomers across the world scurrying to train their fastest and […]

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Out with a bang: explosive neutron star merger captured for the first time in millimeter light


In a first for radio astronomy, scientists have detected millimeter-wavelength light from a short-duration gamma-ray burst. This artist’s conception shows the merger between a neutron star and another star (seen as a disk, lower left) which caused an explosion resulting in the short-duration gamma-ray burst, GRB 211106A (white jet, middle), and left behind what scientists […]

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