Ten graduate students in Physics and Astronomy spent the summer conducting research with the support of the Swigart Fellowship program. The purpose of the program is to encourage students to explore research opportunities in the summer after their first year in the Department of Physics and Astronomy Ph.D. program.
This year, Swigart Fellowship recipients created short videos explaining their research projects as part of the Professional Development Course, PHYS 7830.
The students' research videos can be viewed below or on the department's YouTube channel
The projects cover a variety of topics, such as spin transport in perovskites, weighting functionality with the MADderHat analysis tool, evidence of strangelets in telescope array data, and searching for dark photon dark matter using gravitational wave data, among others.
Here are the students who participated in the program:
Paul Bailey
Joshua Bartkoske
Jamie Berg
Rikard Bodin
Zachary Carter
Zane Gerber
Sean Johnson
Ron Putnam
Brianna Thorpe
Fengwei Yang
The Swigart Fellowship Program is named in honor of the late J. Irvin Swigart, a former U physics professor, and endowed through the J. Irvin and Norma K. Swigart Endowed Scholarship Fund.